From Cherry to Cup

Coffee Knowledge

How does coffee growing actually work? And how is coffee harvested? What's the deal with processing and cupping? And what is ... Whatever you want to know about coffee, you'll find it here.

Blow Hopper: Das Gebläse für die Kaffeemühle
Kaffee mahlen

Blow Hopper: The blower for the coffee grinder

Have you ever heard of dead space? What sounds macabre is a smaller or bigger problem with every coffee grinder. This refers to the area in which ground coffee gets stuck during the grind...
Blog Header Cup of Excellence mit Logo und Filterkaffeezubereitung.

What is the Cup of Excellence?

In a nutshell: The Cup of Excellence is a competition for coffee and takes place annually in different origin countries. An international jury selects the best beans for the coveted award. Her...
Blog-Titelbild zum Beitrag Kaffeemühle reinigen. Zu sehen ist eine offenliegende Mahlscheibe einer Mythos-Kaffeemühle.
Kaffee mahlen

Instructions: Cleaning a Coffee Grinder

If you are careless when cleaning your coffee grinder, you will compromise on taste. In this article we'll look at how best to clean, how often and what else needs to be taken into account.
Titelbild zum Blogbeitrag über die älteste Kaffeezubereitungsmethode der Welt. Zu sehen sind Ibrik-Behälter aus Kupfer für die Kaffeezubereitung. Bild von Engin_Akyurt auf Pixabay.

The Oldest Coffee Brewing Method

Cezve, Ibrik, Briki - what looks like a tongue twister to the German eye, are names for vessels for making coffee. And not just any vessels, but probably the oldest tools used for making coffee.
Titelbild zum Blogartikel über die World Coffee Championships. Zu sehen ist Inhaberin der Günter Coffee Roasters Aurore Ceretta bei ihrem Auftritt bei den World Cup Tasters Championships.

What are the World Coffee Championships?

If you're a die-hard coffee fan, you may have heard of coffee competitions. In this article we look at the biggest competitions in the world. Find out everything about the 7 disciplines and what th...
Arabica-Kaffee und seine Varietäten: Bourbon, Typica, Geisha und Co

Arabica Coffee and its Varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Geisha and More

There are countless varieties of the most famous coffee plant species, Coffea arabica. In this article you can read how these arise, which ones are mainly cultivated today and what consequences thi...
Bild der Finca San Luis in den tropischen Wäldern Kolumbiens. Blog-Header.

How Omar Grows Coffee on Finca San Luis in Colombia

The year is 1977 and the Tinoco family, coffee producers from Colombia, are at a crossroads. Omar was still small at the time, his father was seriously ill and business was going badly. There was a...
Titelbild zum Blogartikel über Coffee Cupping. Philip, Aurore und Mats cuppen Kaffees.

What is Coffee Cupping?

Cupping is an umbrella term for various methods of coffee tasting and quality assessment. You can read how it works and what it entails here.
Titelbild zum Blogbeitrag zu Kaffeesatz-Upcycling. Kaffeesatz als Dünger verwenden.

Use Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer - Here's How!

Recycling and upcycling are the topics when it comes to more sustainability in everyday life. As coffee fans, there is one thing we often throw away: coffee grounds. Here we will show you how to us...

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