From Cherry to Cup

Coffee Knowledge

How does coffee growing actually work? And how is coffee harvested? What's the deal with processing and cupping? And what is ... Whatever you want to know about coffee, you'll find it here.

Specialty Coffee Association Logo und WCC-Logo in Chicago auf der Specialty Coffee Expo.

What is the Specialty Coffee Association?

The Specialty Coffee Association, or SCA for short, is a global organization dedicated to promoting specialty coffee. You can read how, why and wherefore here.
Titelbild zum Blogbeitrag über die älteste Kaffeezubereitungsmethode der Welt. Zu sehen sind Ibrik-Behälter aus Kupfer für die Kaffeezubereitung. Bild von Engin_Akyurt auf Pixabay.

The Oldest Coffee Brewing Method

Cezve, ibrik, briki - what sounds like a tongue twister for the untrained eye are actually names for vessels used to make coffee. And not just any vessels, but probably the oldest coffee-making tools.
Titelbild zum Blogbeitrag über Third Wave Coffee. Zu sehen sind reife, rote Kaffeekirschen in zwei Händen über weiteren reifen Kaffeekirschen gehalten.

What is Third Wave Coffee?

We keep hearing about third wave coffee, but what is it? And what about waves one and two when we're surfing the third wave of coffee? Learn more here.

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