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Concentrated Coffee Knowledge

Grünkaffee sind rohe Kaffeebohnen.

Green Grading: How professionals evaluate green coffee

To evaluate the quality of green coffee, professionals rely on green grading. What it is, how it works and more can be read here. You will also learn something about the defect scale of the Special...
Blow Hopper: Das Gebläse für die Kaffeemühle
Kaffee mahlen

Blow Hopper: The blower for the coffee grinder

Have you ever heard of dead space? What sounds macabre is a smaller or bigger problem with every coffee grinder. This refers to the area in which ground coffee gets stuck during the grind...
Blog Header Cup of Excellence mit Logo und Filterkaffeezubereitung.

What is the Cup of Excellence?

In a nutshell: The Cup of Excellence is a competition for coffee and takes place annually in different origin countries. An international jury selects the best beans for the coveted award. Her...