Home Barista Workshop
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Get to know all the parameters for a good espresso
In our Home Barista Workshop, our barista trainers will show you the way to perfect espresso extraction.
To get started, there is a theoretical part about the cultivation and origin of the various coffee plants, the further processing of the coffee cherries and finally the transport of the green coffee to our roasting plant. In the detailed, practice-oriented main part of the workshop you will learn about the different parameters of espresso extraction. These each have a certain influence on the aroma and taste of the finished coffee. In the workshop you will learn what influences these are, as well as how to properly froth milk and the first steps in latte art.
Information about how espresso machines work and how to clean them rounds off the course program.
Key data Home Barista Workshop
- The workshop lasts approximately 3 hours
- There is a charge of €159 including VAT per participant
- Maximum of 6 participants per workshop
- It starts during the week at 6 PM in our rooms in Merianstraße 8, Freiburg, Germany. On sundays, the workshops begin at 10 AM.
- Please avoid perfumes and strongly scented cosmetics
- Language: German.
What's also important: We work with medium to light roasted coffees. All parameters and settings are based on this. If you prefer strongly roasted coffees, please contact us by email before booking. Thank you.

Till ist dein Barista-Trainer
Till hat Kaffee im Blut und schon in vielen Städten als Barista gearbeitet. Er weiß bestens über alle Kaffeegetränke und deren Zubereitung Bescheid.
Aktuell ist er als Barista in der Merianstraße 8 und im Café Marcel tätig. Bei seiner Kaffeereise nach Äthiopien im Frühjahr 2023 hat er sich intensiv mit Rohkaffee beschäftigt. Sein Wissen aus diesen Bereichen fließt im Workshop zusammen.

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