From Cherry to Cup

Coffee Knowledge

How does coffee growing actually work? And how is coffee harvested? What's the deal with processing and cupping? And what is ... Whatever you want to know about coffee, you'll find it here.

Titelbild zum Blogartikel "Wie wird Kaffee geröstet?". Auf dem Bild ist Philip an der Röstmaschine Giesen W15 zu sehen. Er öffnet gerade die Ablassklappe, um frischen Röstkaffee in die Abkühlschale zu geben. In weiß liest man "Kaffee rösten".
Kaffee rösten

How is Coffee Roasted?

Before coffee beans end up in your grinder, they must be roasted. After coffee cultivation and processing, the type of roasting plays the third of four main roles in the taste in your cup. You can ...

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